JOB: Fully-funded PhD Position in Architecture at ALICE EPFL. Lausanne, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne

Job: Fully-funded PhD Position in Architecture at ALICE EPFL. Lausanne, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne

The ALICE Laboratory (Atelier de la conception de l’espace) at EPFL (École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne) is opening up a fully-funded 4-year PhD position beginning September 2020. The ALICE Laboratory is looking for young researchers from around the world with a background in architecture and/or urbanism. Candidates should be interested and/or have experience in conducting independent research, transdisciplinary practices and design-based research methodologies, either in academic or professional settings.
ALICE Research attends not only to the built environment, but to a broader spatial enactment of materiality and all those unheard, silent and minor realities threading our living environments. Through socioecological and transdisciplinary readings that understand practice as an essential source of knowledge, history as an operative ground and theory as a creative endeavor we aim at bringing forward operational frameworks attentive to the emerging and supportive qualities of space itself, focusing on the collective and political dimension of architecture, and with a determined concern for its situated and embodied character.
The PhD student will inscribe her/his research within one of the following lines of work:

  • Architectural imaginaries: narration as architectural tool
  • Law and economy as architectural tools in the production of new urban commons

The full description of the possible lines of work can be downloaded here.
The candidate should present a research proposal where she/he puts forward a research hypothesis relating to either of these topics along a brief state of the art and/or link to previous works. ALICE will consider specially the maturity and innovative nature of the proposal as well as its ability to address contemporary issues of relevance for the architectural discipline.
The candidates must send their applications before 17 May 2020 with the following documentation:

  • Research Proposal (3000 – 5000 words)
  • CV (max. 3 pages)
  • Portfolio of architectural, writing and/or curatorial projects (professional and/or student work) (max 5MB)
  • Letter of recommendation.

Informal enquiries as well as final applications should be addressed to Lucía Jalón Oyarzun, Head of Research at ALICE ( Personal interviews (either in person or through video conference) will be held following a first selection of profiles based on this documentation.

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