CfP: TEMPORÁNEA. Revista de Historia de la Arquitectura

Call for Papers: TEMPORÁNEA. Revista de Historia de la Arquitectura

TEMPORÁNEA. Revista de Historia de la Arquitectura is a journal of the editorial seal of the University of Seville EUS, preferably addressed to the academic community focused on international research in History of Architecture. It publishes annually scientific articles selected by the double-blind peer review system and through an editorial process characterized by quality, rigour and transparency, monitored by its editorial team committee with a marked international character.
Research in the History of Architecture is approached from any discipline, chronological period and geography, and promotes the diversity and complexity of History as an inalienable value. In addition to this transversal and plural approach, this publication advocates the multiscalar character of architecture, ranging from the history of the built object, the city and the territory. In its section atemporánea the journal publishes research articles from any historical period and from any part of the world, complemented by short texts of its section contemporánea, which includes books, exhibitions and activities reviews. TEMPORÁNEA aims to place historical research on architecture in a broader intellectual horizon and to generate a contemporary forum of disciplinary relevance.
Following the publication in March 2020 of the inaugural issue, TEMPORÁNEA invites researchers in the History of Architecture to submit articles for the next issue of the journal. TEMPORÁNEA will continue to show the History of Architecture in all its transdisciplinary, chronological, geographical and multiscale complexity.
Full articles (7500-9000 words) must be uploaded in OJS by 10 July 2020.
Submission guidelines can be accessed through this link.
This call for papers can be downloaded here.

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