CfP: Deep Adaptation – The Spatial Dimension. Spool

Call for Papers: Deep Adaptation – The Spatial Dimension. Spool

SPOOL Open access journal in the field of the built environment
Issue Editors: Daniel Zwangsleitner (TU Munich), Elettra Carnelli (TU Munich), Benedikt Boucsein (TU Munich), Franklin van der Hoeven (TU Delft)
The future, which we thought we had maybe another decade to prepare for is now suddenly here. In all likelihood, we can expect further crises of similar severity, especially in the context of climate change. The 21st century will be radically different from the 20th. Conventions, techniques and social practices we are familiar with will disappear. Our responsibilities and roles as architects and urban planners will also change fundamentally. Until now, science and society have played down or denied the vulnerability of our urban structures to the risks that are direct effects of our current way of life. In the search for alternative and, in a sense, more realistic perspectives, Jem Bedell’s concept of “deep adaptation” (2018) calls for a shift: He urges us to prepare for the collapse of certain systems that currently govern our lives – and to see this as an opportunity for positive change.
This change and the resulting challenges we are facing are primarily not technological, but above all social, economic and organisational. Moreover, they are highly interdependent and all-encompassing and require systemic change, profound transformations and adaptations of action. It is therefore not a question of developing technical solutions in isolation, but rather of fundamentally rethinking the way we live, operate, work, travel and interact.
The editors welcome contributions that address this fundamental change of our environment. The
key question should be what chances and opportunities but also challenges and risks for our cities will arise out of that. SPOOL is looking for the creation of future narratives that manage to convey the propositions for change in convincing images.
Contributions from all fields of expertise and knowledge are welcome. The editors particularly welcome abstracts from interdisciplinary teams.
Abstracts/draft paper must be submitted by 1 October 2020  through the website of the journal
This call for papers can be downloaded here.
For the selection of the papers, SPOOL operates a double-blind review process.

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