AWARD: SHERA Emerging Scholar Prize

Award: SHERA Emerging Scholar Prize

The Society of Historians of Eastern European, Eurasian, and Russian Art and Architecture (SHERA) is pleased to invite applications for the 2020 Emerging Scholar Prize. The Emerging Scholar Prize aims to recognize and encourage original and innovative scholarship in the field of East European, Eurasian, and Russian art and architectural history. Applicants must have published an English-language article in a scholarly print or online journal, or museum print or online publication within the twelve-month period preceding the application deadline. Additionally, applicants are required to have received their PhD within the last 5 years and be a member of SHERA in good standing at the time that the application is submitted. The winner will be awarded $500 and republication (where copyright allows) or citation of the article on H-SHERA.
Please send a cover letter summarizing the context and significance of the essay, the essay, and a cv to by 15 October 2020. For more information on SHERA, please visit

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