CfP: Theaters of Architectural Imagination – Frascari Symposium V. Montreal, 27-29 May 2021

Call for Papers: Theaters of Architectural Imagination – Frascari Symposium V. Montreal, 27-29 May 2021

Online/in-person at the Centre de design, Université du Québec à Montréal (UQÀM)
In theatre, as in architecture, meaning is construed through situated, shared and embodied experience. Both theatre and architecture gather community in shared settings to experience events simultaneously familiar and strange, prosaic and profound, anticipated and unexpected, mantic and mnemonic. These shared encounters – involving complicity, conflict and change – open renewed understandings of the human condition and humanity’s interdependence with the world.
The present pandemic poses serious challenges for both public theatre and public architecture. Yet, these ancient art forms have endured past pandemics and the human desire for in-person collective transformative experience will resume – potentially with renewed vigour.
This symposium seizes the present opportunity to renew theatrical and architectural modes of imagination by exploring the mnemonic, performative and participatory aspects of architecture. We specifically invite paper proposals and Entr’actes exploring theatres of architectural imagination through the creative lens of three themes: Memory, World, Action.
Abstracts for paper proposals due 18 December 2020.
Entr’Acte proposals (2-min. videos) due 15 February 2021.
​The blended online/in-person symposium will take place 27-29 May 2021.
​Co-chaired by Lisa Landrum, University of Manitoba and Sam Ridgway, University of Adelaide, in collaboration with Louise Pelletier, UQÀM, and Alberto Pérez-Gómez, McGill University
​Full details and downloadable Call for Papers & Entr’Actes available here:

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