Event: Conference: Future-related narratives for metropolitan regions. Online, 14 December 2020
Zukunftsnarrative für Metropolregionen
What do desirable futures for metropolitan regions look like? What happend to former ideas towards the future? And what does the term ‘narrative’ actually mean? These questions will be in focus of the conference ‘Future-related narratives for metropolitan regions’, which is plannend together with Emschergenossenschaft as part of the KoMet-Day 2020, taking place on 14 December 2020 from 12:30 to 18:30.
The full programme of the conference can be downloaded here.
Because of the current pandemic situation the KoMet-Day 2020 takes place as a digital event with many opportunities to participate online.
More information and the registration you can find here: www.metropolenforschung.uaruhr.de
For further inquiry please contact the agency of Kompetenzfeld Metropolenforschung via: metropolenforschung@uaruhr.de
The Kompetenzfeld Metropolenforschung is a cooperation project between the three universities of the Ruhr Valley, that form the Universitätsallianz Ruhr (UA Ruhr). It is also a network open for cooperation partners of other academies or non-university-related research facilities in regional or international allies as well as companies, politics, administrations and foundations.)