EVENT: Decolonising Art History. Online series, 11-25 November 2020

EVENT: Decolonising Art History. Online series, 11-25 November 2020

Events in Art History and Cultural Practices and Manchester School of Architecture

  • Wednesday, 11 November 2020, 12:00 noon

Vision and Value: Cotton and the Materiality of Race, Anna Arabindan-Kesson (Princeton University USA)
Pre-recorded lecture to be posted on The University of Manchester video portal for viewing before the live q&a on Zoom, Wednesday, 11 November at 12 mid-day
Register for the lecture and q&a at Eventbrite

  • Wednesday, 18 November, 2-5 pm

Architecture for the Majority World
Symposium organised by Łukasz Stanek (Manchester School of Architecture) at Manchester School of Architecture with Peggy Deamer (Yale University, USA), Manuala Boatcă (University of Freiburg, Germany), and Ibrahim Mahama (Tamale, Ghana).

  • 14.00 Welcome by Kevin Singh, Head of the Manchester School of Architecture
  • 14.10 Introduction by Łukasz Stanek
  • 14.20 Peggy Deamer, “Architect-Professional-Worker”
  • 14.50 Manuela Boatcă, “Semiperipheries: Between Complicit Coloniality and Liberating Visions”
  • 15.20 Break
  • 15.30 Ibrahim Mahama, “Recent Work”
  • 16.00 Response
  • 16.10 Discussion, Q&A

Symposium Zoom link: https://zoom.us/j/98124348579

  • Wednesday, 25 November 2020, 5:15 pm

Humour and the Commodification of Suffering: Strategies of Cultural Resilience in Contemporary Art, Chrisoula Lionis (The University of Manchester)
Pre-recorded lecture to be posted on The University of Manchester video portal for viewing before the live q&a on Zoom, Wednesday, 25 November at 5.15pm
Register for the lecture and q&a at Eventbrite

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