CfP: Symposium, Architecture and Religion. Athens, 5-8 July 2021

Call for Papers: Symposium, Architecture and Religion. Athens, 5-8 July 2021

The Architecture Unit of ATINER, will hold a Symposium on “Architecture and Religion” as part of the 11th Annual International Conference on Architecture 5-8 July 2021, Athens, Greece sponsored by the Athens Journal of Architecture.
Religion is one element which, since the birth of mankind, has contributed significantly to doing and thinking architecture. It is one of the factors not external to the man that have most influenced the image and purpose of architecture. Religion has manifested itself in architecture through its various forms – be they spatial, typological, construction-related, symbolic, functional, etc. And whilst this manifestation has made itself felt most directly in sacred architecture, secular architecture also shows signs of that influence. This call for papers sets out to present and discuss the various relationships that have established themselves between architecture and religion. Authors are invited to submit papers that reflect on how specific aspects of the various religions are revealed in architecture and/or to present and discuss a comparative study of these aspects for the different religions. Subject matters such as: the permanence of forms over time that have to do with religion; typologies and rituals; the influence of architecture on religious practices; the influence of exterior religions on architecture; the influence of religion on secular architecture; the influence of religion on decoration, etc., are welcome. The submitted papers will be considered for a special issue on Religion and Architecture of the Athens Journal of Architecture.
Please submit an abstract to using the abstract submission form that you find on the symposium webpage by the 8 March 2021 to Dr. Clara Germana Gonçalves, Head, Architecture Unit, ATINER & Researcher, CITAD (Centro de Investigação em Território, Arquitectura e Design), Lusíada University, Portugal. Please include: Title of Paper, Full Name (s), Current Position, Institutional Affiliation, an email address and at least 3 keywords that best describe the subject of your submission.
For more information please visit the symposium webpage.

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