FELLOWSHIP: Schwarz Fellowship at the Gennadius Library for Research on Urban Architecture

Fellowship: Schwarz Fellowship at the Gennadius Library for Research on Urban Architecture

The Schwarz Fellowship for Research on Urban Architecture supports innovative and cross-disciplinary research on architecture, urban planning, and the history of the built environment in Greece from 1821 to the present.
Eligibility: Ph.D. candidates and recent Ph.D. holders within five years of receiving the degree. Open to all nationalities.
Fields of Study: Includes Architectural and Urban Design, History of Architecture, History of the City, Historical Geography, and related fields. Projects should incorporate the holdings of the Gennadius Library (maps, topographical plans, landscapes etc.) and other appropriate resources of the American School of Classical Studies.
Terms: A stipend of $11,500 plus room, board, and waiver of School fees. Fellows are expected to be in residence at the School for the full academic year from early September to late May. A final report is due at the end of the award period, and the ASCSA expects that copies of all publications that result from research conducted as a Fellow of the ASCSA be contributed to the Gennadius Library. Fellows are expected to participate in the academic life of the School.
Application: Submit an online application form for the “Schwarz Fellowship at the Gennadius for Research on Urban Architecture.” An application consists of a curriculum vitae, description of the proposed project (up to 750 words), and three letters of reference to be submitted online. Student applicants must submit transcripts. Scans of official transcripts are acceptable.
Link to online application: https://ascsa.submittable.com/submit/189403/schwarz-fellowship-at-the-gennadius-for-research-on-urban-architecture
Deadline for application: 30 April 2021
For more information please visit the American School of Classical Studies at Athens website and contact application@ascsa.org
The awards will be announced by mid-June.

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