EVENT: McKim, Mead, & White: The Early Years, Mosette Broderick. Online, 29 April

EVENT: McKim, Mead, & White: The Early Years, Mosette Broderick. Online, 29 April.

McKim, Mead & White historian Prof. Mosette Broderick offers a new twist on the famous trio: How did three rather undistinguished young men become the gold standard of American architecture of their era? A special one-evening-only event on 29 April, 18:00 (EST).

Prof. Broderick is an esteemed architectural historian and Director of the Urban Design and Architecture Studies program as well as the London-based MA program in Historical and Sustainable Architecture in the Department of Art History at New York University. The event is hosted by Landmark West, a New York City historic preservation organization. More information and registration can be found here.

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