Call for Papers: Cuadernos de Proyectos Arquitectónicos. Issue 11
Cuadernos de Proyectos Arquitectónicos invites submissions (Spanish and English) for the annual issues 11. The journal would be pleased to receive proposals for contributions before 1 July 2021. Please review the Author Guide prior to sending manuscripts.
Cuadernos de Proyectos Arquitectónicos is an academic journal whose purpose is to identify and present the theoretical and practical discourses that affect and determine architecture today.
If theory and history have been the usual tools of academic research, today the critical and theoretical scenario is different. Disciplinary transversality and the complexity of the professional practice have established new vectors, not only from the content but also from the methodological approaches. Simultaneously, the journal sees previous debates, reintroduced in the present day of a circular time that edits and re-edits the contents, images and texts.
Therefore, theory, history and critical practice are the contents that occupy the central place of this publication. However, the necessary critical approach and its inclusion in a broad cultural, social and academic environment foster intersections with other disciplines and research methods. As a consequence, the publication includes both introspective articles and prospective texts.
Cuadernos de Proyectos Arquitectónicos is a peer reviewed journal published by the Research Group “Theory and Criticism of the project and the Modern and Contemporary Architecture” and the Architectural Design Department of Madrid School of Architecture. More information can be found here.