CfP: Promenades dans Rome: Assembly practices between visions, ruins and reconstructions. Rome and online, 24 July 2021

Call for Papers: Promenades dans Rome: Assembly practices between visions, ruins and reconstructions. Rome and online, 24 July 2021

Istituto Svizzero di Roma and EPFL Lausanne

The subject of the conference “Promenades dans Rome. Assembly practices between visions, ruins and reconstructions” will be the city in its role as an eternal archive of references for the practice and theory of architecture. Understood as a monumental Wunderkammer, Rome contains a marvellous  patrimony of fragments ready to be recomposed in new architectures. But it also reveals the ways these fragments have been assembled over the millennia,  becoming the largest and most complex work of art in the world.

EPFL school of architecture with the Istituto Svizzero di Roma organises a  dialogue aims to offer a discussion on critical reading of urban phenomena  prompted by the theory of art, in both its written form and the practical dimension of artistic  production and manual technique. Scholars and researchers will produce an open reflection bringing together the specific contributions of their respective disciplines.

The proposed open roundtable will address issues of Rome as “city built in fragments”, “model of additive practice”, “atlas of affinities” and “repertoire of analogies” through dialectical approach confronting history, theory, criticism, photography and architectural design. In this way, the city of Rome simultaneously constitutes the subject of any reflections and, through the history of its representations, its main theoretical and methodological reference.

Scholars, researchers, PhD students, architects, artists and photographers who are interested in contributing to the round table and final publication can send their application to Filippo Fanciotti ( via email by 1 June 2021. Proposals may be submitted in Italian, English or French.
More information can be found here.

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