The Department of Art History at the University of Chicago invites applications for a Provost’s Postdoctoral Fellow with an expected start date of 1 July 2022, or as soon as possible thereafter. The selected candidate would be appointed for a term of two years at the rank of Instructor. Following a successful review in the second year, the candidate would be promoted to a first term as Assistant Professor. This position is intended to lead into appointment as Assistant Professor and this search is connected to a concurrent search for an Assistant Professor ( We urge all applicants to submit an application to the Assistant Professor search as well, so that all available options may be considered for the selected candidate.
The Department seeks applicants with innovative approaches to scholarship in art history, visual media or studies, and/or the built environment, an ambitious research agenda, and a commitment to developing pedagogical techniques for teaching at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. Scholars working in any pre-modern (before ca. 1850) period and any geographic area, with any theoretical or methodological focus are invited to apply. The position is intended to provide substantial time for the selected candidate to advance their scholarship. It thus includes a teaching load of one course per year, with minimal advising and service responsibilities.
Application Instructions:
The following applications materials must be submitted to the posting.
- Cover letter introducing research, teaching interests, long-term career goals, and detailing progress toward completion of PhD if not in hand
- Dissertation abstract (2-page maximum)
- Current CV
- One article-length text or dissertation chapter
Review will begin on 15 October 2021 and will continue until the position is filled or the posting is closed. Additional materials and reference letters may be requested following initial review of applications.
More information can be found in the full posting here.