Maintaining the Presence of the Prince: Management of Royal Geographies (XIVth-XIXth Centuries)

Château de Versailles
Online and France

Auditorium of the Château de Versailles/online, 15-17 September 2021

Whereas the design and construction of court architecture and royal sites has a long and extensive historiography, the way these royal sites were maintained has rarely been a subject of study in itself. Yet, the upkeep of royal sites was of great consequence, and knew its own particular and challenging dynamics. New maintenance organizations emerged in late Middle Ages that in subsequent centuries evolved into independent and complex administrations. Following on the conference “Building the Presence of the Prince” held in Utrecht in November of 2019, this international symposium aims to reunite experts from different historiographical fields (History, Art History, Architectural History and Political Thought), with the objective of developing a comparative analysis on the way royal spaces were maintained from a transnational and diachronic (14th–19th century) perspective.

More information can be found via the event program and Château de Versailles website.

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