German-colonial Building Cultures. A Global Architectural History in 100 Visual Primary Sources


A critical architectural history of the German colonial period (ca. 1880-1920) has not yet been written. This desideratum includes the finding that primary sources published in the colonial period on the topic of architecture in or about the former colonies from Africa, East Asia/China to Oceania are not treated in their global thematic breadth either in current research or in the university subject of architectural and art history. The basic idea of this Call for Contributions is therefore to “take a look” at the colonial primary sources themselves. In doing so, it is planned to put the value of the solicited short contributions in the combined format of book publication together with an exhibition at the Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte (Central Institute of Art History) in Munich (April to June 2023). More detailed information of the Call for Contributions can be found here.

The deadline for submitting proposals for the catalog publication is 15 December 2021.

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