Ghent University
The Department of Architecture and Urban Planning at Ghent University currently has vacancy for a job position for a fulltime Professor in Theory and History of the City and the Architecture of Urban Housing (BOF) (21226) / Ref. nr.:202110/EA01/ZAP-BOF/001, starting from September 1, 2022. It concerns a full-time position as Professor in the rank of Assistant Professor (docent, Tenure Track) in the department of Architecture and Urban Planning, Faculty of Engineering, Ghent University, charged with academic teaching, scientific research and carrying out scientific duties in the field of Theory and History of the City and the Architecture of Urban Housing.
This position in the rank of assistant professor, funded by the Special Research Fund, is a tenure track appointment for a period of 5 years with a focus on research and with a teaching load limited to no more than 8 ECTS credits per semester on average over a period of 3 years.
Please beware that the time frame for applying is quite limited. Applications are due by January 25 2022 23:59 (Brussels time).
More information can be found here.