Learning from the Pandemic: Leveraging Architectural Education Toward Equity, Health, and Resilience

March 11, 2022

A roundtable discussion sponsored by the Epidemic Urbanism Initiative
Friday, 11 March 2022, 12-1:30pm US Eastern Time, via Zoom

In this session, Deans of five Schools of Architecture across the United States will respond to a range of timely questions for architectural education provoked by the simultaneous epidemics of COVID-19, racism and racial inequity, and climate change, including:

  • How has architecture pedagogy shifted in response to issues of access and equity in an online setting?
  • How does the practice of architecture need to change to confront the many precarities and vulnerabilities in urban settings rendered visible by COVID?
  • What role can and should schools of architecture play in this shift?

More information and registration can be found here.

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