International Expositions: Looking to the Past, Seeing the Future

24-25 March 2022

Registrations are open for ‘International Expositions: Looking to the Past, Seeing the Future.’, the inaugural symposium of the Institute for the Study of International Expositions, 24-25 March 2022.

The inaugural symposium will bring scholars and enthusiasts together to generate new ideas about the history and legacy of international expositions. Organizers seek to emphasise new and developing strategies for research, curation, and preservation to maximize outreach opportunities.

The symposium has range of speakers from Australia to Argentina with topics from Environment to Empire. There are also opportunities to network and to get involved with the Institute.

The symposium has a great line up of Keynote speakers: from the big expo scholars to new voices from Asia. For bios click here.

To register, go to the symposium home page.

For the full program click here.

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