History and Theory of Architecture, ETH Zurich

Two PhD positions at the chair for the History and Theory of Architecture, ETH Zurich

100%, 4 years, fixed-term (apply until 17 June 2022)

Within the framework of the research project « Building Identity: Character in Architectural Debate and Design, 1750-1850 », which focuses on the uses and meaning of ‘character’ in architectural criticism and practice in the period 1750-1850, the chair for the History and Theory of Architecture (Prof. Dr Maarten Delbeke) at the gta Institute, D-Arch, ETH Zurich is offering two positions for doctoral students. The project is funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation Council (SNSF).

You will be enrolled on the doctoral programme of the Department of Architecture of ETH Zurich. The positions will start on 1 October 2022. The positions are available for a duration of 4 years.

More information can be found here.

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