Submission deadline:

June 20, 2022

Scholarship Fellow, Technical University of Darmstadt: Build Back Better

The Institute of History at the Technical University of Darmstadt (Department of Modern History, Prof. Dr. Nicolai Hannig) is looking for
a scholarship fellow for the research project “Build Back Better”, funded by the Gerda Henkel Foundation, starting August 1, 2022 for an
expected period of 3 years.

In two subprojects with different regional focuses, the research project examines the reconstruction of cities after earthquakes and investigates what role local cultures of memory played in this process. Subproject I examines humanitarian architectures in reconstruction in South America. The scholarship is awarded for Subproject II, which evaluates the significance of monuments and cultural assets for disaster management since 1945, focusing on earthquakes in Italy and the former Yugoslavia. The main aim is to identify and historically evaluate relevant actors such as local self-help groups, relief organizations, authorities, national and international research and prevention initiatives.

Please find the complete call online, available in English and German, here.

For more information regarding the special research program “Security, Society and State” of Gerda Henkel Foundation in English and German here.

Applicants may have an academic background preferably in research fields of History, Sociology, Art History, Architectural History, Urban
Studies, Heritage Studies, Ethnology, Geography, regional Studies of
Eastern as well as South-Eastern Europe.

Please submit applications until 20 June 2022.

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