Guest Editors: Victoire Chancel, Carla Frick-Cloupet, Wouter Van Acker
This issue of Clara is about the contemporary intermedial condition of architecture that might be considered novel yet emerges within a historicity in which that intermediality is an inherent part of architecture.We invite proposals which study how interactions within media function as an engine or design tool within particular projects. Contributions are particularly welcome which analyse the aesthetics of reflexivity: the trafficking between different domains of existence of the architectural project, the displacement of content from one media to another, the blurring of the terrain of publication and advertising. Finally, we encourage the submission of proposals that turn the very format of the academic contribution into an intermedial hybrid. Such a contribution could interrogate the framework of the journal by interweaving collages, drawings, photographs and text.
Proposals for contributions should be submitted to by 15 July 2022 and must include an abstract of 500 words, a proposed title, the contributor’s name, academic affiliation (if applicable), e-mail address and a short bio of maximum 100 words in a single PDF. Proposals for contributions may be submitted in English or in French.
More information can be found here.