Submission deadline:

December 16, 2022

The Spaces of the Sacred

January 11, 2023

Sainte-Marie de la Tourette Convent (Eveux, Rhône), Wednesday 11 January 2023

The Spaces of the Sacred offers a space for reflection and debate for anyone who understands sacred spaces as laboratories for architectural, urban and landscape research. This definition includes places of worship, funerary spaces and memorial spaces, as well as urban spaces and related landscapes. Defining sacred spaces as a laboratory implies studying both the design and the reuse of cult spaces.

The ambition is to study contexts as well as project experiences, theories as well as practices, heritages and mutations as well as orientations and perspectives. In a few words, to build a knowledge and a culture, but also to draw lessons and develop operational tools to understand the present and enrich contemporary practices. In addition to the historical and social studies developed around these questions, this study day places the architectural, urban and landscape project at the heart of its concerns.

The Spaces of the Sacred is an annual scientific event, which makes it possible to publicise research work in progress or completed and to bring together researchers involved in these issues. This meeting is open to students, doctoral students, teachers, researchers, practitioners and all those who are interested in developing interdisciplinary exchanges beyond institutions and borders. The Spaces of the Sacred is a study day organised in partnership between the chair “Architectural Solutions for the Design and Reuse of Sacred Spaces” (SACRES), the Master’s study area “Heritage, Theory and Creation” (HTC), the Ecole nationale supérieure d’architecture de Lyon (ENSAL), the EVS-LAURe research laboratory and the Sainte-Marie de la Tourette convent.

How to submit a paper
Researchers wishing to contribute to this day are invited to send their proposal, including a title, an abstract (about 200 words) and a short biography, before 16 December 2022 to The official language of the day is French, but proposals and papers may also be submitted in English. The result of the selection of proposals will be announced by email in December 2022.

Under the direction of Benjamin Chavardès and Bastien Couturier

Scientific Board
Benjamin Chavardès, Arch. Dr. Benjamin Chavardès, SACRES Chair, EVS-LAURe, Ecole nationale supérieure d’architecture de Lyon
Julien Correia, Arch. Dr., AUSser, Ecole nationale supérieure d’architecture de Bretagne
Bastien Couturier, Arch. Dr., SACRES chair, EVS-LAURe, Ecole nationale supérieure d’architecture de Lyon
Charles Desjobert, Heritage architect, Dominican friar, Sainte-Marie de la Tourette convent
Philippe Dufieux, Pr. HDR, SACRES chair, EVS-LAURe, Ecole nationale supérieure d’architecture de Lyon
William Hayet, Arch, SACRES chair, EVS-LAURe, Ecole nationale supérieure d’architecture de Montpellier
Kevin Jacquot, Dr., MAP-Aria, Ecole nationale supérieure d’architecture de Lyon


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