Submission deadline:

January 30, 2023

Lo Squaderno no. 65 Care and Critical Action

Submission deadline for abstracts: 30 January 2023

 lo Squaderno no. 65 aims to explore the theme of care as a framework for critical action, putting forward perspectives on urban care, institutions of care, and care as agency. In the widest sense, it means to put into dialogue different features of care in the contemporary city. We would like to reflect on the following:

Care as relation, practiced to realize, maintain, nurture, and repair conditions and situations to allow humans and nonhumans to live together as well as possible.

Care as production, providing social, material, emotional or intellectual mutual support to face the lacks, gaps and crises in collective life.

Care as a triggering domain, which challenges (and is challenged by) care-supporting policies and practices: exploring it means also putting into discussion the tension between formal and informal frameworks of care, as well as its moral rhetoric or its commodification.

Care as a framework for critical action refers to individual and collective mobilization for the radical changes a society needs, from urban rights to justice, challenging the logics of market urbanism.

Following these paths, the issue aim is to develop a framework that addresses the small scale to the large scale, self and social relations, the material and the discursive to host narratives, typologies, and practices of care as critical action. The issue seeks to gather contributions from scholars, activists and practitioners, to put them into relation, bringing together different modes of theory and practices.

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