Submission deadline:

January 31, 2023

As Found: International colloquium on adaptive reuse

September 5-7, 2023

The work of architects nowadays increasingly consists of intervening in already existing buildings or (urban) structures. The modern dichotomy between architecture and historic preservation, with the former concentrating primarily on the design of new buildings and the latter on the restoration of existing buildings in a state of the past, seems to have given way to a new approach today. A more experimental approach in which the narratives and traces found in the existing are the inspiration for contemporary interventions. This changing approach to the built environment – the ‘heritage’ in the broadest sense – has also been extensively addressed in architectural and academic research.

Fred Scott’s seminal monograph On Altering Architecture and the volume Experimental Preservation, edited by Jorge Otero-Pailos, Erik Langdalen and Thordis Arrhenius are just a few examples. Additionally, architectural schools give increasing attention in their curricula to assignments concerning densification, redevelopment, renovation and reallocation, with some schools even offering specialized programmes on the subject.

The colloquium aims to discuss how contemporary architecture deals with the existing built environment ‘as found’ from four different angles. The program will be composed of sessions, keynotes and a PhD seminar.

Anne Lacaton (Lacaton & Vassal) – TBC
Markus Berger (Rhode Island School of Design)
Thordis Arrhenius (School of Architecture, KTH)

The four sessions of the conference are as follows:

  1. Architectural Experiments to Intervene in the As Found
  2. Translating the As Found: Narratives and Meaning
  3. As Used: Sustaining the Existing Use
  4. Education for Reuse – Reuse for Education

Contributions may include a critical review of projects that implement experimental or innovative architectural strategies to intervene in the existing; theoretical reflections that conceptualize novel approaches to building adaptation; methodological considerations on how to read or interpret architecture as found; reflections on pedagogical experiments on building adaptation; or other aspects related to experimental architectural approaches of dealing with the built fabric ‘as found’.

Note that mere descriptions of architectural or educational projects will not be accepted. As the organizers seek to combine theory and practice, they encourage co-authorship of contributions between practitioners and academics.

Abstract and posters should be submitted by email to All submissions will be subject to double-blind paper review.Please find the submission guidelines here.

More information can be found here.

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