Submission deadline:

March 27, 2023

Cuadernos de Proyectos Arquitectonicos no. 13

The call for articles for the issue number 13th of the journal Cuadernos de Proyectos Arquitectonicos is open.

A second call has been opened with a deadline of 27 March until the number of contributions for the issue is complete.

All the indications for those interested are included on the journal’s website in the section guidelines for authors which must be complied with.


Deadline: March 27th, 2023

Publication: November 2023

Cuadernos de Proyectos Arquitectonicos is an academic research journal with an editorial line focused on the theoretical and practical discourses that shape the academic and professional contexts in which architecture is inscribed.

If theory and history have been the usual mechanisms of academic research, today the critical and theoretical scenarios are open. The complexity of professional practices, along with the prevailing disciplinary transversality, have established new vectors, not only concerning content but also in methodological approaches. Simultaneously, debates that seemed exhausted are forcefully reproduced, brought back into the present time, and embedded in circular processes that edit and re-edit content, images, and texts.

Theory, history, and critical practice are, therefore, the central contents of this publication. However, the necessary critical approach and its inscription within a broad cultural, social and academic environment enable us to assess positive intersections with other disciplines. As a result, the publication includes both introspective and disciplinary articles as well as prospective texts.

The editors understand architecture is a critical instrument and, through its material as well as conceptual production, participates in the understanding of multiple aspects of reality. Aichitecture is the object of study, but also the instrument of analysis.

The journal is a recipient and receptive instrument. It is therefore open to the creation, development, or revision of the various conceptual frameworks related to architecture and its research instruments, encouraging the publication of a body of analytical and critical texts capable not only of reflecting but also anticipating the relevant debates within and outside architecture that guide its concerns and determine its practices.

Cuadernos de Proyectos Aiquitect6nicos is a scientific publication, annually published in open access digital format, as well as on paper, by the Academic Research Group “Theory and Criticism of the Project and Modern and Contemporary Aichitecture” and the Aichitecture Department at the Madrid School of Aichitecture, UPM.

The journal accepts original works unpublished. The selection of articles follows a referee system by two external reviewers -a double-blind system-, following the standard protocols for serial scientific publications.

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