Habitat in Transition

Department of Architecture of the University of Naples Federico II

The new Ph.D. program HabiT (Habitat in Transition) is designed to create an interdisciplinary, innovative and collaborative training and research context specifically for teachers and students to address contemporary and complex challenges related to the critical issues of Sustainable Transition (environment, welfare, living space).

Admissions information can be found here.

PhD students will be oriented to conduct research on the most relevant topics of the global agenda and the new dimensions of contemporary design with methodological rigour, creativity and transdisciplinarity.

PhD students will develop transversal research skills, bringing together critical theories in the fields of the arts, humanities, social sciences, and sustainability with scientific and technological disciplines to produce original, experimental scientific work on a topic that contributes significantly to the scientific debate and at the same time has a relevant positive impact on society.

The research developed by HabiT will converge in the T-Lab, which will be activated within the DiARC-AbiT project of excellence. The objective of the T-Lab is to strengthen the synergies between the different disciplinary fields present in DiARC that contribute to the definition of adequate responses to the challenges posed by the Sustainable Transition, focusing on methodological and design innovation to outline transformative and evolutionary change scenarios and to enhance the dissemination and sharing of knowledge in multidimensional arenas, within public engagement and action-research activities.

More information can be found here.

Deadline: 2 August 2023

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