Les Cahiers de la recherche architecturale, urbaine et paysagère (Craup)
This issue of Craup does not seek to delve into new institutional frameworks, actors and teaching methods, but rather to highlight their effects on pedagogy. As “sets of interrelated pedagogical activities based on a representation of human beings, learning and society,’” teaching models take place in multiple learning situations (amphitheaters, workshops, travels, etc.) with diverse outlooks on the technical, artisanal, social or artistic dimensions of architecture, urban planning and landscape (multidisciplinary approach). They are also articulated through the varying links between academic and professional knowledge.
The aim is therefore to examine these models through contributions that answer the following question: in light of European structural harmonization, and even beyond, what are the various interpretations of these dual academic and professional contributions to pedagogy? The editors hypothesize that, while there are tensions between the two, the result is hybridization fostered by internationalization. In addition to traditional sources used to explore the history of pedagogy and the sociology of actors—such as
institutional educational archives, oral archives or the private archives of teachers and students—the editors also recommend drawing on original, cross-referenced materials, such as teachers’ curriculum vitae, research dissertations, habilitation theses (France), conferences, academic journals, institutional evaluation reports, data from alumni associations, websites, etc. In addition to testimonials from teachers and/or researchers, the editors welcome unbiased contributions on the analysis of French, European and international courses in architecture, urban planning and landscape design, as well as monographic approaches and international comparisons.
In order to consider pedagogy through the relationship between academic and professional models, we have identified three main lines of thought. Firstly, the protagonists’ adoption (or reception) of individual ideas;secondly, at the level of a courses’ organization; and thirdly, the reflexive, forward-looking vision offered through more-than-local networks to consider contemporary global issues. Each theme has its own way of exploring the dynamics that shape pedagogy. Articles may fall into multiple categories.
1. Pedagogy at the individual level Teachers (and their models)
2. Pedagogy at the school-wide level
3. Pedagogy in networks of thought and discussion
Proposals for completes articles should be sent by e-mail before 20 May 2024 to the Craup’ editorial office craup.secretariat@gmail.com. For more information, contact Aude Clavel on +33 (0)6 10 55 11 36
More information can be found in the full call for papers here.