Submission deadline:

March 21, 2024

Funded Workshop: Developing Architectural History Education in the UK

June 27-28, 2024
United Kingdom

The Global Architectural History Teaching Collaborative, The Globalizing Architectural History Education Affiliate Group at the Society of Architectural Historians, and Syracuse University announce the commencement of a series of events to assess and advance curricular and pedagogical practices in architectural history.

The organizers invite submissions for a two-day funded workshop to address current teaching practices in architectural history in UK institutions of higher education. This workshop will be hosted by the Department of Architecture and Built Environment at the University of Nottingham, and will be held in person in June 2024.

Over the past years, renewed attention has been given to calls for improving architectural history education through such means as diversity, anti-racism, globalizing histories, and anti-, post-, and de-colonisation, among others. Spearheaded by those operating in and from postcolonial and settler-colonial contexts, these concerns have also in various guises permeated architectural education in the UK. The organizers are interested in convening early and mid-career UK academics as researchers and educators to develop a conversation and disseminate work regarding how these issues are currently being addressed within teaching and the challenges in doing so. The organizers are particularly interested in how research informs teaching and the limits and boundaries participants operate within at their institutions.

Participants will contribute a 20-minute presentation about how their specific research directly impacts how they have reconceptualized (or how it can help rethink) architecture’s history and how they teach that history. Participants could think about pedagogy, curriculum, assessment tasks, delivery, and other means of conveying information. Importantly, participants should also address the practical boundaries—curricular, pedagogical, departmental, institutional, professional—that have had to be negotiated when shifting teaching practices.

Participants’ areas of research that have impacted their courses could be, but are not limited to the following:
1. Indigeneity, including Indigenous knowledges and lifeways
2. Property, including legal, colonial, and gendered understandings
3. Labour, including commerce and land and oceanic trade
4. Food Justice, including policy and architectural and urban responses
5. Cultural Impacts, including the effects of material extraction and supply chains

Participants should be comfortable sharing their work more widely. It is intended that contributions to this workshop, when reworked, will be published in a special issue of a journal. This is in order to both provide examples for others of what is being done and to spur further conversation.

An honorarium of £400 will be provided to successful applicants to help supplement the cost of local transportation and accommodations. All meals will be provided.

For full consideration, please submit an abstract of 250 words, including the type and level of course that you will address, and a short CV by March 21, 2024 to Jordan Kauffman at
Successful applicants will be informed by April 6.
Date of Event: June 27 and 28.

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