CFP: All-Ireland Architecture Research Group Annual Meeting (Dublin 30-31 Jan 2015)

AIARG 2015
All-Ireland Architecture Research Group
Call for Papers Fourth Annual Meeting UCD Dublin January 30-31, 2015
Deadline: 15 September 2014
Proposals for papers are sought for the fourth annual meeting of the All-Ireland Architecture
Research Group on January 30-31 2015. In keeping with previous AIARG conferences the
purpose of the fourth annual meeting is to offer a window into current architectural research
in Ireland and beyond. In doing so it is hoped that the meeting will bring new areas of
research to light, encourage collaboration and facilitate exchange of research results.
Following successful previous meetings in Belfast, Limerick and Dublin, the format of the
annual meeting has been revised this year. A Call for Sessions was issued in July and after an
enthusiastic response the conference team has made a selection of 12 thematic sessions which
we hope will lead to an interesting, engaging and reflective conference. Each session will
consist of four 20 minute papers with time for questions and discussion. A description of each
thematic session is given below.
Abstracts of no more than 300 words including title, should be submitted via email to the
session chair and to by 15 September. Proposals may
come from individuals or groups. For all participants, please include name, professional
affiliation (if applicable), email address, contact number, and a current CV.
Please note: Only one abstract per author or co-author may be submitted. Session chairs may
suggest changes to the abstract in order to ensure if addresses the session theme. Similarly,
session chairs may recommend revisions to a paper and reserve the right to withhold a paper
from the program. All speakers and session chairs will be required to register for the
conference. /

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