News from the field

Find out what’s happening in the world of architectural history – including conferences, exhibitions, seminars, employment and news about recent publications. We welcome contributions. Please send items to be posted here to To be included in our monthly newsletter, please send submissions prior to the 28th of each month. To join, just sign up

Instituting Worlds: Architecture and Islands

Adopting an understanding of architecture in a widened sense – as practice, knowledge and a way of looking; as process, representation and consolidated capital; as a form of spatial organisation that shapes social conditions as much as being shaped by it – makes us uniquely able to transgress the borders between the real and the imaginary.

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SAHGB Conference 2022: The Architecture of Borderlands

Architecture that exhibits commonality or neutrality, dependent upon its situation and context – buffer zones, no-mans-lands, and transitional spaces have spawned a range of programmes that facilitate either community interaction and cross cultural dialogue or conflict, smuggling, escapes, rituals, parades, performances, protests and other kinds of border events.

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PastForward 2022 Session Proposals

PastForward 2022 Session Proposals

Organizers are looking for ideas for conference content under Historic Preservation is Climate Action; Encouraging Inclusion and Diversity Through Preservation; and Understanding Preservation’s Role in Real Estate Development.

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