Text: Tool and Source of Understanding

Call for Papers
Second Colloquium on Architectural Theory of the Werner Oechslin Library Foundation
25 – 29 April 2013
The Second Colloquium on Architectural Theory at the Werner Oechslin Library takes Vitruvius as the point of departure, highlighting the text, its transmission, translations, new productions and reproductions, interpretations, and paraphrases. The focus will not be exclusively on Vitruvius and Vitruvian exegesis though, but rather on fundamental inquiries regarding the special characteristics of texts in architectural theory. Translations as instruments of understanding will receive special attention.
The event addresses architectural theoreticians, architects, art historians, historians of science, and others, and seeks to bring together leading experts on the topics as well as, in particular, young researchers from various countries.
CFP deadline: 10 October 2012
Papers should be limited to thirty-minute presentations.
Languages for paper proposals and presentations: German, English, French, Italian. At least a passive knowledge of German is expected of all participants.
The Foundation assumes the hotel costs for course participants, as well as for some group meals. Travel costs cannot be reimbursed.
Please send short paper proposals and CVs by e-mail to: anja.buschow@bibliothek-oechslin.ch
For further information, please read the introduction to the topic by Werner Oechslin: http://www.bibliothek-oechslin.ch/veranstaltungen/architekturtheorie/2013-text/introduction
Stiftung Bibliothek Werner Oechslin
Luegeten 11
8840 Einsiedeln
Tel: +41 (0)55 418 90 40
Fax: + 41 (0)55 418 90 48

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