Buell Dissertation Colloquium

The Temple Hoyne Buell Center for the Study of American Architecture invites submissions for its biennial Dissertation Colloquium, to be held on April 5-6, 2013 at Columbia University. This event brings together a select group of doctoral students working on dissertation topics related to the history, theory, and criticism of American architecture, urbanism, and landscape.
Ten to twelve students from universities worldwide will be invited to present a twenty-minute talk drawn from their dissertation research. The presentation is to be based on a self-contained chapter or portion of the student’s dissertation research, and should not be an overview or synthesis of the dissertation as a whole. American is construed to mean any part or aspect of the American continents, including all of North and South America. Comparative and cross-disciplinary approaches are encouraged.
Students must be enrolled in an accredited doctoral program and have completed their coursework and at least one year of dissertation research. Submissions must include a complete draft of the intended presentation, including illustrations. Submissions must also be accompanied by the following: a cover sheet specifying the student’s institutional affiliation, postal and e-mail addresses, and phone number; a 150-word abstract describing the paper’s relationship to the overall dissertation topic; and a brief statement from the student’s principal adviser certifying the applicant’s status (stage of completion) in the doctoral program.
Papers selected for presentation will be announced by February 11, 2013. Each participating student will receive hotel accommodation for two nights and funding toward travel expenses on an as-needed basis. A reception and dinner will follow the colloquium.
The Temple Hoyne Buell Center for the Study of American Architecture is part of Columbia University’s Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation. The Buell Dissertation Colloquium has been held since the Buell Center’s founding in 1982. Its purpose is to provide a forum for discussing significant new work by emerging scholars.
For further information, contact Meredith Baber at buellcenter@arch.columbia.edu, or consult www.buellcenter.org.
Please send electronic submissions, PDFs no larger than 3MB, to buellcenter@arch.columbia.edu, by Monday, January 7, 2013.
Reinhold Martin, Director
Temple Hoyne Buell Center for the Study of American Architecture

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