Filling the Gaps: World Heritage & the 20th Century

Conference, Chandigarh, India – October 03-04, 2013
Submission of abstracts: April 19, 2013
Submission of full papers & posters: July 22, 2013
In 2005, the ICOMOS report “The World Heritage List: Filling the Gaps” highlighted the inadequate representation of modern heritage on the World Heritage List. Eight years down the line, though sensitivity to the cultural values this very large proportion of our heritage assets has been heightened to a certain extent, at the same time several expressions of critical twentieth-century processes have been lost. Seen in the context of the general lack of understanding and respect for 20C heritage properties as well as their vulnerability in the face of fast-paced urban change and development — especially in the developing countries of the Asia-Pacific — it is obvious that, in the near future, even larger numbers are at risk of demolition and irreversible alteration. The situation brings into focus the fact that we need to consider twentieth-century heritage in a more pro-active manner and, work seriously to expand the scope of our current conservation education and practice.
A major objective of this 2-day conference, therefore, is to promote an understanding of the significance twentieth-century heritage, not only of its physical and visual attributes, but also its historical, cultural and social dimensions. The conference also aims to examine the scope and the challenges of managing this recent heritage within the framework of the World Heritage regime. The use of the ICOMOS ISC20C Madrid Document: “Approaches for the Conservation of Twentieth Century Architectural Heritage as Practical Guidance for Managing Change and Intervention” would be a parallel focus.
Given the rich diversity of twentieth-century processes, their built expressions, and their increasing vulnerabilities, the Asia-Pacific in general and India in particular, provide a most appropriate context within which to discuss such issues of identification, appraisal, conservation and management.
A 3-day Training Programme-cum-Workshop, aimed at critical analysis of twentieth-century properties on the World Heritage List and Tentative List in the Asia-Pacific and, identification of potential candidates for nomination to the List in India would be organized on October 05, 06 & 07, 2013 in continuation of the Conference. Separate /additional registration would be required for participation in this activity. Interested participants may email expression of interest to
The conference organizers also wish to hold an exhibition of documentation and other visual studies related to the conference theme and the four sub-themes described below. Interested participants may email their expressions of interest to
The conference will be held in Chandigarh, the iconic city of twentieth-century India. Built during 1950s-60s as a statement of the aspirations of a new republic, the historic core of Chandigarh offers a vast range of modernist experiences ranging from the political, social, urban and environmental concepts of the cité ideal, Le Corbusier’s monumental creations in béton brut, and, contextually sensitive designs for low-cost mass housing and other forms of social infrastructure by Pierre Jeanneret, Maxwell Fry, Jane Drew and their team of Indian architects. The place is a veritable living laboratory for study of the philosophical, the ethical and the physical aspects of conserving twentieth-century heritage. Visits to key historic areas of the city would be organized before and after the conference.
Deliberations of the conference “Filling the Gaps: World Heritage and the 20th Century” are organized under four thematic sessions – Evaluation, Intervention, Management of Change, and, a special focus on twentieth-century Historic Urban Landscapes. Each of these sessions will be structured around an overview on the theme by an invited specialist, presentation of selected papers, as well as a panel discussion for a rich exchange of experiences and approaches. In addition, poster displays on conference themes and an exhibition of related studies will enable sharing of lessons learnt in diverse territories of the twentieth-century heritage. Prospective authors are invited to submit proposals for papers and posters for each of the thematic sessions according to the procedures described below. All proposals will be blind-peer-reviewed.
Session 1: Evaluating 20th Century Heritage
The purpose of this session is to understand and interpret the values of twentieth-century heritage in diverse locations, recognizing impact of social & cultural contexts and of specific physical aspects (location, design, aesthetic, construction systems, technical equipment and use) in the development of twentieth-century structures. It would focus on systematic identification, inventories, documentation and evaluation of the physical, historical and cultural attributes of different typologies of twentieth-century heritage properties.
Papers and posters for this session can take up case studies of individual buildings and groups of buildings to indicate how these derive their significance and distinctive character from their social, historic, artistic, aesthetic, scientific, or other values. Papers should promote an understanding how cultural significance is manifest in the built heritage of the twentieth century, and how different attributes and components express that significance. Authors may also take up analytical assessment of whether the Criteria and the Conditions of Authenticity and Integrity set out in the ‘Operational Guidelines’ give sufficient guidance for assessing significance of twentieth-century properties, or a specific methodology needs to be developed.
Session 2: Intervention Methods and Approaches
This session would address issues related to the “State of Conservation”, the assessment of vulnerabilities and risks to the fabric of twentieth-century buildings, and, the technical aspects of conserving these structures. Many twentieth-century building materials and construction techniques were new or experimental in nature, had a shorter life span and, differed considerably from traditional ones in their durability, processes of decay and technology of repair. Lack of knowledge of these characteristics, and appropriate conservation techniques, further exacerbated their condition.
Papers and posters intended for Session 2 should focus on studies of unique construction technologies and materials used during the twentieth-century, the causes and processes of decay and deterioration of the original fabric, various technological and philosophical challenges of repair and restoration, and the development of innovative methods and approaches for their conservation.
Session 3: Management of Change
Being in active contemporary use, all twentieth-century heritage properties are intrinsically dynamic entities. Interventions may be necessary due to changes in original use and for application of contemporary building codes (accessibility, health & safety requirements, seismic retrofitting, and improving energy efficiency), all of which cumulatively impact the property’s cultural significance, authenticity and integrity. Exposed to various pressures for change, redesign and reconstruction, twentieth-century properties are at risk of being destroyed or transformed beyond recognition. The objective of this session is to document various factors triggering change in twentieth-century heritage structures and to investigate appropriate tools for monitoring and managing such change.
Papers and posters for this session should present studies of developmental, environmental and other pressures for change on twentieth-century historic buildings; heritage impact assessment (of twentieth-century structures) due to these pressures; examine design and implementation of legislative tools, policies and practices to manage change; and successful adaptation of twentieth-century historic structures to contemporary needs.
Session 4: Historic Urban Landscapes of the 20th Century
Increasing concern over the impact of rapid urbanization on our historic environment has brought about the need for a broader consideration of social, economic and cultural issues in urban conservation processes. The new approach is applicable to historic urban landscapes of the twentieth-century as well, since these, being largely unrecognized and unprotected, are even more susceptible to drastic transformation, fragmentation and deterioration. This session is devoted to understanding the characteristics and cultural significance of the historic urban typologies of the twentieth-century; the nature of transformations impacting their cultural, social and economic values; and, to creative approaches, criteria, guidelines and other tools for their conservation management.
Papers and posters should focus on understanding the values and meanings embedded in historic cities and urban ensembles of the twentieth-century; reflect upon the changing role of such properties, including the causes and impact of functional, structural and visual change; present analytical case studies of contemporary interventions in the historic urban fabric; and, best practices of regulatory, technical, financial and community engagement tools for managing twentieth-century urban heritage.
Abstracts for papers and posters are due on or before April 19, 2013. Notification of acceptance, revision or rejection of abstract would be sent via email by May 13, 2013. Abstracts are limited to 250 words, and should be written in English.
The Abstract must also contain: (a) Name, full postal address (including telephone, fax and e-mail) of the author (in case of more than one author, the abstract must be submitted by first author); (b) The title of the paper / poster, and indicating under which of the 4 themes the paper / poster falls; and, (c) A short curriculum vitae of the author, not exceeding 100 words.
Only original papers, resulting from original research work, will be considered. Authors are responsible for co-authorship statement (if and when necessary) and for the originality of submitted articles.
Abstracts and information on papers and posters should be sent by e-mail to:  Please only use this address only for matters related to abstracts and full papers.  General inquiries & those concerning registration should be addressed to the addresses provided above.
Full Papers and Posters are due on or before July 22, 2013.  Notification of acceptance, revision or rejection of full papers and final posters would be sent by May 31, 2013.
Papers must comply with the following instructions: (a) Computer file format: Word for Windows; (b) Font and font size: Times New Roman, font size 12, spacing 1.5; (c) Paper size: A-4; (d) Margins: top and bottom 3.0 cm; left and right 2.5 cm.; (e) Maximum length: 12 pages in the indicated format; (f) Format for images: JPG or compatible. Do not to include images and their captions within the text but provide them in a separate file; (g) Author’s details: At the top of the first page please mention the title of the paper, Sub-theme: each author is asked to indicate under which of the 3 sub-themes they wish to submit their paper; Last name and first name(s); postal address; telephone, fax and e-mail; (h) Author’s C.V.: not exceeding 150 words, on the last page, immediately below the text of the paper.
IMPORTANT: One registration is only valid for one paper for publication and podium presentation / one poster for publication and display. Please note that only papers and posters presented by registered participants will be included in the published proceedings of the conference.A special publication fee is applied for each additional paper / poster submitted by the same author. However, any author may be co-author of a paper submitted by another presenting author with a full registration. All co-authors are encouraged to register and attend the conference.
Conference Packs

Pack A (Presenters) Includes attendance in all conference sessions and technical visit; Oral presentation (15 minutes) / Poster Display; Paper / Poster publication; Lunches, tea/coffee breaks, social dinner.
Pack B (Attendees) Includes attendance in all conference sessions and technical visit; Paper / Poster publication; Lunches, tea/coffee breaks, social dinner.
Pack C (Reduced Fee) Includes attendance in all conference sessions and technical visit; Paper / Poster publication; Lunches, tea/coffee breaks, social dinner.
Pack D (Accompanying Persons) Includes attendance in all conference sessions and technical visit; Paper / Poster publication; Lunches, tea/coffee breaks, social dinner.

1.    Pack A includes one paper submission and one author registration only. Co-authors who wish to participate should pay for Pack A or C.
2.    Additional paper is intended for a authors wishing to publish and present more than one paper. This fee is not intended for co-authors. Co-authors who intend to participate must register and pay for pack A or C, as applicable.
3.    Pack C is intended for Young Researcher Students (YRS)a — M.Arch./ MSc, MPhil, PhD (or equivalent) students, or graduates who have obtained their research degree less than 5 years ago. YRS must provide proof of their status by e-mailing suitable document along with their Registration Form to the conference secretariat. Pack C is not intended for Presenters.

Payment Deadline
Pack A (Presenters)
Until August 30, 2013:        SAARC Nations INR 3000.00, Others USD 150.00
Until September 13, 2013:   SAARC Nations INR 4000.00, Others USD 200.00
Additional Paper
Until August 30, 2013:        SAARC Nations INR 1000.00, Others USD 50.00
Pack B (Attendees):         
No deadline                     SAARC Nations INR 3000.00, Others USD 150.00
Pack C (Reduced Fee) & Pack D (Accompanying Persons)
No deadline                      SAARC Nations INR 2000.00, Others USD 100.00
Anytime before July 05, 2013: Full refund minus 25% Processing Fee
On or after August 02, 2013 until September 06, 2013: Full refund minus 50% Processing Fee
On or after September, 2013: NO REFUND
The Organizing Committee would like to inform all delegates seeking funding for participating in “Filling the Gaps: World Heritage and the 20th Century in Asia” (such as fees waving, travelling, accommodation and meals) that unfortunately no kind of financial support is available. However, the Organizing Committee might assist delegates (on the condition of having an abstract or a paper accepted by the Scientific Committee) who wish to apply for funding from other institutions. Letters of acceptance and/or other proper statements will be produced accordingly. Furthermore, the Organizing Committee will issue the necessary statements to Delegates who wish to apply for conference fees refunds from other institutions, such as local governments or universities.
Chitkara School of Planning and Architecture, Chitkara University, Rajpura, Punjab, India
World Heritage Institute for Training & Research for Asia and the Pacific, Shanghai, China
Council of Architecture-National Institute for Advanced Studies in Architecture, Pune, India

Supported by
ICOMOS International Scientific Committee on Twentieth Century Heritage (ISC20C)
Fondation Le Corbusier, Paris, France
Submission of abstracts: May 3, 2013
Notification of abstracts acceptance: May 24, 2013
Submission of full papers & posters: August 02, 2013
Notification of paper/poster acceptance: August 16, 2013
Presenters Registration (Pack A), YR Reduced Fee: August 30, 2013 (Early registration), September 13, 2013 (Late Registration)
Attendees Registration (Pack B), Reduced Fee (Pack C):  No deadline
Conference: October 03-04, 2013
Workshop on 20C World Heritage in Asia: October 05-07, 2013 (Additional registration required)
“Filling the Gaps: World Heritage and the 20th Century”
Chitkara School of Planning and Architecture
Chitkara University (Punjab Campus)
Village Jhansla, (on Chandigarh-Patiala National Highway, NH-64)
Tehsil Rajpura 140401, Punjab
General Information:
Paper & Posters Submissions:
Kiran Joshi +91 9814636529
Rohit Jigyasu +91 9818153839

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