EAHN Business Meeting, Haifa 2014

The EAHN Annual Business Meeting 2014 will take place from 27 February to 2 March 2014 in Haifa, Israel.

The Architectural Heritage Research Center (AHRC) at the Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning, Technion in Haifa will be hosting the Annual Business Meeting of the EAHN, during the symposium “History in Conflict” (see below).
All committee members and general members are cordially invited to attend the meeting. Please contact the EAHN Office at office@eahn.org as soon as possible, but no later than 30 November 2013, if you would like to attend.

History in Conflict
During the interwar years the British developed Haifa as a port city-a Mediterranean outlet to their empire. Ever since, the city is shared by members of different communities- Israeli Jews, Palestinian Arabs, and others- who are consistently entangled in the overarching dynamics of the Arab-Israeli conflict. Today, with a Jewish majority and calm yet unbalanced co-existence, Haifa presents an opportunity to discuss architectural history in conflict, and its role in challenging the political boundaries of a mixed city and the civic responsibility toward its citizens.
Note: The main venue of the meeting will be the Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning, Technion, Technion City, Haifa. Simultaneously we are negotiating additional venues in the city with participating NGOs, some of which have already confirmed their collaboration.

Meetings and Symposium Programme

Thursday 27 February 2014

18.00: Welcome followed by an opening lecture and dinner

Friday 28 February 2014

10.00 – 13.00: Symposium “History in Conflict”
13.00 – 13.30: Lunch break
13.30 – 14.00: Informal meeting with coffee/tea
14.00 – 17.00: Guided tour in Haifa
14.00 – 19.00: Sub-Committees Meetings
19.00 – 20.00: Dinner

Saturday 1 March 2014

10.00 – 13.00: Board Meeting
13.00 – 14.00: Lunch
14.00 – 18.00: Guided tour in Acre

Sunday 2 March 2014

09.30 – 18.30: Guided tour in Jerusalem


Traveling to Israel is possible via direct flights to Ben Gurion Airport    http://www.iaa.gov.il/RASHAT/en-US/Airports/BenGurion.
From the airport to Haifa there is a direct train. The ride takes about an hour, depending on the specific train. There are three stops in Haifa and we will help you decide which one to take once we know everyone’s arrival time and accommodation. From the stations you can take public transportation (bus, taxi), or a shuttle that we will organize from Hof Ha-Carmel station to the Technion campus.


These are some suggestions, all in Haifa (Special rates for Technion guests valid till 31 December 2013):

Dan Carmel Hotel

Deluxe Carmel & Sea View …………………………170$
Deluxe Bay View …………………………………….195$
Executive Bay View …………………………………215$
Supplement for double occupancy ………………..45$

Haifa Dan Panorama Hotel

Superior ……………………………………………..150$
Kitchenette Room/Executive ………………………175$
Supplement for double occupancy ………………..35$

Haifa Dan Gardens Hotel

Superior bay view …………………………………….100$
Supplement for double occupancy ………………….15$

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