CFP: DISEGNO & CITTÀ // Drawing in the City (Turin, 17-19 September 2015)

Politecnico di Torino
Torino 17-19 September 2015
Within the complexity of the current context, where the local and the global dimensions combine, the couple of Drawing & City can be read, according to integrated methodological approaches, as an inseparable relationship, from time to time characterized by the specificity of the role that each terms can take.
The XXXVII International Conference of Teachers of Representation (XII Congress of the Unione Italiana del Disegno) continues the tradition of the previous meetings organized by our Scientific Society and pursues a line of increasing awareness and sharing, an opportunity to reflect on strong themes inherent in the idea of complexity. In particular, the two words Drawing & City, understood both in their various meanings and in their endless interactions, can be redefined using the foundational concepts of Culture, Art, Science and Information.
The City is in constant state of social, political flux. At the same time, Representation, which has a role in scientific and cultural mediation, assumes the role of a privileged observatory and laboratory which is indispensible in order to rethink the city and its surroundings, whether major capitals or smaller cities. This take place within the wealth of a city’s process and dynamics, its past, present and future, and representation becomes a means of understanding and analyzing a city.
Our invitation to Turin proposes a discussion on disciplinary skills and on experiences matured within our scientific community, to promote a further enhancement of them with the goal of detecting new research perspectives and of expanding the possibilities of more meditated and open interdisciplinary comparisons.
Starting from the founding concepts of Culture, Art, Science and Information, understood as indispensable filters, the themes proposed for the discussion, suggested below, can be approached according to interpretations that have to be considered in alternative or in integrated ways.
Both the Drawing of the conceived city and the Drawing of the built city and/or of the changing city configure themselves as conceptual models for the investigation, from analysis to design, of the endless constitutive processes of architecture, city and territory/environment. It will be possible to combine method approaches and topics:
Method approaches
Observing, drawing, reading, illustrating, seeing, shaping, understanding, expressing, studying, representing, comprehending, telling, communicating, managing organizing
– places, from memory to future
– physical and non-physical interconnections and networks, from local to global space
– multicultural realities that the city welcomes
– the city of the weak
– shapes, relations and structures that qualify smarter cities
– the changing cities
Contributions will be grouped in three thematic sessions related to the proposed methodological approaches and structured according to analysis, design, communication, in a contextualized view in time and space.
– Drawing the conceived city
– Drawing the built city
– Representing the changing city
The authors of the contributions have to indicate the chosen thematic session:
Thematic session: Drawing the conceived city
This session is devoted to themes related to the idea of the City, from theoretical roots to conceptions governed by needs of a different kind: those more concrete and functional, those ideal, artistic and symbolic, also for only conceived cities. The noble action of “Drawing”, as a creative and communicative process, makes possible to suggest, explain, describe and compare imaginary inventions, project proposals, alternative hypotheses and models – old and new – of urban systems. The conceived city also as an imagined and lived system in the virtuality, as alternative and complementary space to the real city.
Thematic session: Drawing the built city
This session is devoted to themes related to the analysis and to the interpretation of the material and immaterial systems that characterize cities, territories both consolidated and in transformation aggregative systems. Reflecting on the built city through the “Drawing” means to recognize, register and critically select layout, weaves, punctual signs, structures and infrastructures that belong to the territorial and urban system, identifying and rebuilding stratifications, transformations with integrated methodologies, as traditional as innovative. It means also to recognize the relation between elements of the urban environment – weaves, artifacts, materials – and nature, to focus on ancient and new strategies finalized to the sustainability of urban interventions, with attention to the natural components.
Thematic session: Representing the changing city
This session is devoted to researches regarding the complex dynamics of the city and its surroundings. The mutations of the cities, in their multiform realities, cannot be passively lived, read and recorded, but they must be faced up with conscious and active responsibility. In this sense the Drawing, through the critical selection of meditated communication modes and more finalized processing forms, can accommodate and can be an expression also of the instances of the involved communities by encouraging more participatory processes.
Those representations find in Drawing, also in its more innovative and advanced forms, a useful laboratory that interrogates itself on up to date ways on urban reality, also in perennial becoming: a fundamental cultural source that, working also through an indispensable disciplinary debate, confirms itself as vital scientific and cultural environment, qualified by its recognized specificity, place of discussion in order to respond to the challenging question on the continuity/discontinuity of the urban structure and of their identity, but also effective contribute for the improvement of the quality of life.
The official languages of the Conference are Italian and English.
The papers, full text in Italian and English language, must be received by April 19th, 2015.
The papers submitted must be original and must not have been published or presented at other conferences; they will be submitted to an evaluation process of blind peer review.
The evaluation results will be communicated from June 8th, 2015.
Accepted papers will be published in the Conference Proceedings; their publication is subject to payment of the registration fee for the Conference (at least one author).
The editorial guidelines will be specified in subsequent communications.
Registration and participation fee:
Conference registration is required for each participant and must be made by June 26th, 2015. That date shall be binding on the publication of the paper in the Conference Proceedings.
The participation fee is differentiated in relation to payment date and type of participant:
Payments made by June 26th, 2015
– 280,00 € for 2015 UID ordinary members;
– 370,00 € for UID non-members;
– 140,00 € for 2015 UID associate member (graduated, PhD students, PhD, research fellows and e experts on the subject);
– 190,00 € for UID non-members (graduated, PhD students, PhD, research fellows and e experts on the subject).
After June 26th, 2015 it will be possible to register with increased fees
– 350,00 € for 2015 UID ordinary members;
– 450,00 € for UID non-members;
– 210,00 € for 2015 UID associate member (graduated, PhD students, PhD, research fellows and e experts on the subject);
– 260,00 € for UID non-members (graduated, PhD students, PhD, research fellows and e experts on the subject).
Please note that 2015 UID membership fees UID amount to € 80.00 for ordinary members and to € 40.00 for associated members.
Registration for the conference and their payments will be accepted by September 7th, 2015. After that date, it will be possible to register directly at the Conference.
Organization and location
Conference organization and scientific coordination: Anna Marotta ( Department of Architecture and Design) and Pina Novello (Department of Structural, Geotechnical and Building Engineering), Politecnico di Torino.
The International Conference will take place at the Politecnico di Torino.
All information, including registration and submission of proposals guidelines will be published on the conference website:
Contact email:

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