Inventer le Grand Paris /Inventing Grand Paris
Cross-perspectives on metropolitan areas from the 1940s to the late 1960s
International Conference – 3 & 4 décembre 2015 – Paris
The third international conference Inventing “Grand Paris” will be held on 3 and 4 December 2015 in Paris. The conference will aim to reassess the planning of Greater Paris between the Second World War and the initial implementation of the Master Plan for Development and Urban Planning in the Paris Region (Schéma directeur d’aménagement et d’urbanisme de la région de Paris, or SDAURP) published in 1965, in a comparative approach including other metropolitan areas. Like the two previous conferences, the aim will also be to cast light on current events related to Greater Paris.
The conference will aim to connect this unprecedented regional planning effort with the question of how a metropolis is constructed. It will adopt a new approach to post-War suburban development, the categorisation of certain major development projects in a metropolitan strategy, the status of major projects such as La Défense, the Rungis national food market or the airports, the design and route of the RER (regional express railway) and motorways, etc. It will cast light on the interactions and conflicts between the state’s desire to plan, local powers and civil society on questions of renovation and urban and economic planning. Lastly, it will potentially be an opportunity to study the regional development role played by private and public sector real estate developers.
This conference should also look at the history of the planning of central Paris (Paris Urban Planning Master Plan) and the public debate about the future of Paris. This conference will also put into perspective the Paris regional planning experience within the framework of the policies of the DATAR (Délégation à l’aménagement du territoire et à l’action régionale, the Delegation for Territorial Development and Regional Action) and the formation of urban communities.
Lastly, the conference will endeavour to compare the situation of Greater Paris with planning processes underway in many other metropolitan areas during the same period. The aim will be to study the various forms – from overall visions to detailed plans – of metropolitan and regional planning internationally and through the media.
While historiography has constantly been renewed over the past few years, this anticipated crossing of research on metropolises will certainly open up new research avenues and new approaches.
Proposals for 20-minute papers in French or English should be sent by e-mail to the following address:
These should be in Word format and one-half of an A4 page maximum (about 1,200 characters), and be accompanied by a brief curriculum vitae (name, address, education and degrees, current position and institutional affiliation, research areas and main publications). Submission deadline: 31 May 2015.
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