Call for thematic issue: CLARA Architecture/Recherche Journal
An editorial initiative of the Centre des Laboratoires Associés pour la Recherche en Architecture (C.L.A.R.A.) at the Faculty of architecture La Cambre Horta – Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB).
The yearly journal CLARA Architecture/Recherche launches a call for thematic issue to be published in CLARA’s 4th volume, expected for Spring-Summer 2016.
Clara’s thematic sections
CLARA Architecture / Recherche is a double-blind peer-reviewed scholarly journal, financially supported by the FRS-(Belgian) Fund for Scientific Research. Each volume comprises a thematic section of 6 to 8 papers dealing with a clearly identified architectural issue. This « main » thematic section is sometimes paired by a « secondary » thematic section which presents a more limited number of papers. A special section is dedicated to the presentation of documents from the Archives d’Architecture at the ULB, and two miscellaneous papers provide accounts of teaching and cultural activities taking place within ULB’s Faculty of Architecture.
Each volume comprises a detailed summary and abstracts for the main section’s articles.
CLARA Architecture / Recherche attaches a privileged importance to the research methods and tools deriving from the field of architectural design, in particular to original drawings, graphics, and pictures both as means of inquiry and as non-textual support for explanations.
CLARA Architecture / Recherche is published in a 20x25cm format (188 to 232 pages), black & white, but sometimes includes one to two 16-pages full-color inserts.
Deadline: 5 July 2015
Submissions to be mailed to editorial board:
To apply for this call, please submit a document including :
– a theme : title and short argument for your proposal (300-500 words). The theme may not be built to host conference proceedings, but may the result of encounters, previous studies within a design studio, an office, an administration or an association, within the frame of a research project, or beyond any specific institutional frame. This issue of CLARA may also be considered as an opportunity to deal and/or establish a new and fresh working ground.
– Guest editor(s) : Names, short resume (100 words), affiliation, list of 5 main publications. The guest editor(s) shall be responsible for the thematic issue’s overall consistency and for the quality of every single contribution. She/he/they may propose her/his/their own original contribution within the issue, or only sign an introductory essay which shall situate the sense and interest of each contribution.
– Contents : in case of a proposition to be followed by an open call for papers : include your proposal for the call (app. 500 words) ; in case of invited authors : number of contributions proposed (8 to 10), names, affiliations, short resume (100 words), and provisional title for each author. Each proposed contribution should also be presented by its own abstract (300 words), and provisional list of illustrations (type, format and number). Eventually, full papers may already be submitted at the very first stage (20 to 30.000 signs, spaces, footnotes, references and captions included).
5 July 2015: submission of proposals
17 July 2015: Results of selection from editorial board
>> proposal with invited authors
4 oct. 2015: Submission of full papers and peer-reviewing process
1 nov. 2015: Feedbacks and comments from reviewers
15 nov. 2015: Wherever required, authors invited to change, correct or ameliorate their paper and submit again for peer-reviewing
Winter 2016: Editing process
Spring 2016: Publication of CLARA#4
>> proposition to be followed by an open call for papers :
20 July 2015: Publication of CFP
13 Sept. 2015: Peer-reviewing of proposals
27 Sept.2015: Feedback to proponents
20 Dic. 2015: Submission of full papers and peer-reviewing process
17 Jan. 2016: Feedbacks and comments from reviewers
14 Febr. 2016: Wherever required, authors invited to change, correct or ameliorate their paper and submit again for peer-reviewing
Spring 2016: Editing process
Summer 2016: Publication of CLARA#4
Edition and production
CLARA Architecture / Recherche is a production made possible by the collaboration between the Mardaga Press and the research centre C.L.A.R.A. Mardaga provides its experience and expertise in publishing, organizing the practical realization of the journal, coordinating production and ensuring distribution. C.L.A.R.A. provides for the journal’s editorial and scientific coordination with the support of an editorial board and an advisory board.
CLARA Architecture / Recherche pursues an Open Access policy, making its contents available after a 12 month embargo period after publication.
Editorial Policy
The proposals for thematic issues and the contributions herein must be the fruit of authors affiliated to at least tree different institutions, and however no more than 30% of the authors should be affiliated to a same institution.
The consistence of each thematic issue, as well as the quality of its contributions, are ensured by a double-blind peer-review process, relying on an external board of expert and pluralistic reviewers. Criteria applied are : 1) Originality of the subject ; 2) Research methods ; 3) Relevance and readability of the argument. Should a proposal for a thematic issue be accepted, the editorial board, after hearing the advisory board, may still refuse to publish a contribution that would not comply with editorial policies in terms of quality and consistence. Hence, guest editors are invited to propose a number of contributions slightly superior to the number of papers that shall be published. French is CLARA’s privileged working and publishing language, but contributions in English are welcomed. In this sense, if only a limited number of English contributions is received, the editorial board may translate it into French at its own expenses.
Editorial Team
Editors in chief: Judith le Maire, Axel Fisher
Advisory board: Joseph Abram (ENSA Nancy), Pascal Amphoux : (Cresson ENSA Grenoble), Jean-Louis Cohen (Institute of Fine Arts New York University), Isabelle Doucet (Manchester School of Architecture, University of Manchester), Bernard Kormoss (Faculté d’Architecture ULG), Christophe Loir (Faculté de Philosophie et Lettres, ULB), Valérie Mahaut ( École d’architecture, Université de Montréal), Luca Pattaroni (Lasur, EPFL), Chris Younes (ENSA La Villette), Marc Crunelle (Fac. d’architecture La Cambre Horta), Denis Derycke (Fac. d’architecture La Cambre Horta / CLARA.AlICe), Irene Lund (Fac. d’architecture La Cambre Horta / Archives), Elodie Degavre (Fac. d’architecture La Cambre Horta).
Editorial board: Véronique Boone, Victor Brunfaut, Maurizio Cohen, Philippe de Clerck, Florencia Fernandez Cardoso, Axel Fisher, Jean-Louis Genard, Michaël Ghyoot, Gery Leloutre, Judith le Maire, Hubert Lionnez, Typhaine Moogin, Luisa Moretto, Benoit Moritz, Jean-François Pinet, Bertrand Terlinden, Yannick Vanhaelen, Julie Neuwels
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