Post: Two part-time doctoral positions, research project TEXTILE (Zurich 30 June 2015)

Two part-time doctoral positions, research project TEXTILE
University of Zurich, September 1, 2015 – August 31, 2016
Application deadline: June 30, 2015
The Institute of Art History of the University of Zurich invites applications for two part-time doctoral positions within the research project ‘TEXTILE. An Iconology of the Textile in Art and Architecture’ (from the Middle Ages to the present) sponsored by the Swiss National Science Foundation and directed by Prof. Dr. Tristan Weddigen ( The TEXTILE team works in collaboration with the partner project ‘NETWORKS. Textile Arts and Textility in a Transcultural Perspective, 4th to 17th Centuries’, conducted at the Humboldt-University of Berlin, funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft and directed by Prof. Dr. Gerhard Wolf (
The positions are limited to a maximum of one year. Within this time, the new project members will have the opportunity to develop their doctoral theses within the framework of the joint research initiative.
The employment begins on September 1, 2015 and expires on August 31.
Residence in Switzerland, the matriculation as Ph.D. student at the University of Zurich, and the knowledge of English and/or one Swiss national language are required. Candidates are invited to submit a curriculum vitae, a summary of their doctoral project, and, if possible, writing samples as PDFs by e-mail (in one file) to Dr. Mateusz Kapustka ( The deadline for the submission is June 30, 2015. Please consult the website for further information about the project’s framework.

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