CFP: Historic Mortars Conference (Santorini, 10 – 12 October 2016)

4th Historic Mortars Conference – HMC 2016 — Santorini, Greece, 10 – 12 October, 2016
The Conference aims at disseminating knowledge and experience regarding the technology of historic mortars, their characterization, the development of repair materials, as well as to promote research and new achievements.
The deadline for the abstract submission is the 30th October 2015. 
Scientific topics
·Analysis and characterisation of historic mortars
·Assessment of mortars and masonry
·Conservation and restoration issues concerning historic masonry and archaeological sites
·Repair mortars for historic masonry
·Grouts for repair of historic masonry and architectural surfaces
·Advances in repair materials and technologies concerning historic structures and archaeological sites
Information: e-mail:

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