ETH Zürich, November 5 – 07, 2015
Recoding the City
International Conference, ETH Zurich, Nov. 5th – 7th 2015
Thursday, November 5th 2015
18:00 Welcome: Vittorio Magnago Lampugnani, ETH Zurich
18:15-19:30 Keynote Lecture: Sarah Whiting, Rice University, Houston/USA
Short Sighted Long Division:
Codifying the Scale of Urban Design
19:30 Apéro
Friday, November 6th 2015
09:00 Britta Hentschel and Harald R. Stühlinger, ETH Zurich
Recoding the City:
An Introduction
Recoding Urban Design, 9:30-11:00
Chair: Eliana Perotti, ETH Zurich
09:30 Dragan Damjanović, Zagreb University
Shaping Zagreb into Croatian National Capital:
Aestheticization and Croatisation of the Historical City Core in the
Long 19th Century
09:55 Gerlinde Gehrig, University of Frankfurt
The Residenz as a Picturesque City Image:
Darmstadt between Haussmannization and Civic Art
10:20 Peter Volgger, University of Innsbruck
The DNA of the Modern City:
Cerdà’s Plan for the extension of Barcelona
11:00-11:30 Coffee Break
Systematization of Urban Knowledge, 11:30-12:30
Chair: Christopher Metz, ETH Zurich
11:30 Katrin Albrecht and Lukas Zurfluh, ETH Zurich
Between Decoding and Recoding:
Rudolf Eberstadt’s Handbuch des Wohnungswesens and Raymond Unwin’s
manual Town Planning in Practice as means of reflection and regulation
12:30-14:00 Lunch Break
Urban Infrastructure, 14:00-15:30
Chair: Markus Tubbesing, ETH Zurich
14:00 Cristóbal Amunátegui, Princeton University School of Architecture
Circles, Circuits, Cycles:
Spectacle and the Interior in Fin-de-Siècle Paris
14:25 Florian Hutterer, Technical University of Berlin
Plan & Works:
The Berlin’s Master Plan of 1862
14:50 Laila Seewang, ETH Zurich
Re-training the public:
Housing urban toilette in 19th century Berlin
15:30-16:00 Coffee Break
Recoding in the New Worlds, 16:00-17:30
Chair: Gregory Grämiger, ETH Zurich
16:00 Beate Löffler, FH Duisburg Essen
The other City:
Japan in the Western Urban Design discourses in the 19th Century
16:25 Philip Goldswain, University of Western Australia
Urban Industrial Hybrids:
An investigation into the development of a boomtown in a 19th century
16:50 Anna Minta, University of Zurich
Civic Beauty and Patriotism:
Public Spaces and Social Concepts in US Town Planning Debates
19:00 Speaker’s Dinner
Saturday, November 7th 2015
Agents in the City, 9:00-11:00
Chair: Niklas Naehrig, ETH Zurich
09:00 Adri Gerber, ETH Zurich
Exciting City:
The Architect and the “saine horreur de la monotonie”
09:25 Richard Kurdiovsky, Austrian Academy of Sciences
New Actors and Old Structures:
The Imperial Hofburg and the Ringstraße in Vienna
09:50 Jan Lubitz, University of Stuttgart
A Pioneer City during the Gründerzeit
10:15 Irina Davidovici, ETH Zurich
Recoding Reform:
Peabody Housing Estate, London 1864-1885
11:00-11:30 Coffee Break
Imagery and the City, 11:30-12:30
Chair: Ita Heinze-Greenberg, ETH Zurich
11:30 Bradley Fratello, St. Louis Community College Meramec
Rome or Babylon?
Cosmopolitics in Second Empire Paris
11:55 Ágnes Anna Sebestyén, Budapest
A View back on Budapest:
Recoding Modern Architecture in the Framework of the 19th Century
12:20 Britta Hentschel and Harald R. Stühlinger, ETH Zurich
Closing Comments
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