CONF: Architectural Iron and Steel in the 21st century (Cambridge, MA, 2 – 4 April 2016) servation of Contemporary & Historic Architecture

ARCHITECTURAL IRON & STEEL IN THE 21st CENTURY: Design & Preservation of Contemporary & Historic Architecture 2 – 4 April, 2016, Cambridge, Massachusetts, The MIT campus
Contact: Susan E. Schur (
Phone: 617-623-4488

This important international conference – organized by Technology & Conservation, MIT Dept. of Architecture’s Building Technology Program, and the Boston Society of Architects’ Historic Resources Committee – is the latest in our series of biennial conferences on architectural materials. Among the topics that will be covered are: – basic properties of cast iron, wrought iron, and steels and their effect on performance and durability – advances in structural steels, weathering steels, stainless steels, and other steels – developments in construction techniques for use in restoration/preservation projects and in new designs – procedures for evaluating steel’s condition – steps to prevent and/or minimize degradation, as well as – several case histories focusing on both historic cast iron and wrought iron structures and steel buildings and on modern ones that represent a variety of building types (including education, religious, cultural institutions; military and government structures; residential and commercial buildings). Continuing education credits will be offered. The early registration fee is $495 U.S./person prior to Jan. 25, 2016; after Jan. 25, the registration fee is $565 U.S./person. (Registration fee includes the conference program, two luncheons, and a reception.) Full details on the conference including schedule (topics and speakers), hotel information, call for posters, and the registration form are available at the BSA’s Historic Resources Committee website: For questions on the conference, contact Susan E. Schur, Hon. AIA, FAPT, Conference Organizer/Chair, Tel: 1-617-623-4488, e-mail:

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