CFP: Architecture and Feminisms (Stockholm, 17-19 November 2016)

KTH Stockholm, School of Architecture, November 17 – 19, 2016
Deadline: April 15, 2016
13th AHRA (Architectural Humanities Research Association) Conference
The 2016 AHRA conference will address connections between architecture and feminisms with an emphasis on plural expressions of feminist
identity and non-identity. From radical feminist, to lesbian feminist, to black feminist, to post-colonial feminist, to crip feminist, to queer feminist, to trans feminist, to Sara Ahmed’s feminist killjoy, to feminist men, to posthuman feminist, to the liberal and neoliberal feminist, to material feminist, to marxist feminist, to eco feminist, to Roxane Gay’s popular Bad Feminist and many others, even to post feminist voices, the claim to feminism continues to be tested and contested. And this conference will be no exception. Between architecture and feminisms our specific focus will be upon transversal relations across ecologies, economies and technologies. Specifically, we are concerned with the exploration of ecologies of practice, the drawing out of alternative economies, and experimentation with mixed technologies, from craft to advanced computational technologies.
We invite responses to our six thematic areas:
Ecologies – Economies – Technologies – Histories – Pedagogies – Styles
We assume that each thematic area inherently organises diverse ecologies of practice, and that the question of precarious mental,
social, environmental ecologies pertains to all.
We invite individual and group proposals for 20 minute papers and full sessions from architectural historians, theorists, designers and
practitioners, as well as those working on relevant themes across the design disciplines, in the humanities and social sciences.
We welcome proposals that explore alternative means of academic dissemination through film, small exhibition, performance.
Please send a 300 word abstract, including a title, and a 50 word biographical note to:

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