Research Project: Spanish Italy and the Iberian Americas (deadline 31 March 2016)

Call for Participation: 12 junior scholars to join the research group “Spanish Italy and the Iberian Americas”
Deadline: March 31, 2016
A Getty Foundation Connecting Art Histories Project
co-directed by Michael Cole and Alessandra Russo, Columbia University
The co-directors of the Connecting Art History project “Spanish Italy and the Iberian Americas” seek twelve junior scholars to join the research group during the period June 2016 to October 2017. Project participants will collaborate to discern the common dynamics and study the artistic ties that developed between these two regions in the early modern period, especially during the sixteenth-century. Moving beyond the concerns of national heritage and microhistory, the project depends on scholars interested in changing their conceptions about their “home” fields of “Renaissance” Italian or “Colonial” Latin American art. The project will unfold in multiple stages, centered on travel and conversation. Throughout the project, the junior scholars and a group of senior faculty will collaborate and communicate regularly, sharing bibliographies and contributing monthly to a research blog. As a group, participants will travel to Italy in January 2017 to visit and discuss works in historically Spanish regions of Italy. Each member will be responsible for introducing a series of works, engaging information across multiple fields. Six months after the visits in Italy, in a second phase of the project, participants will convene in New York City for a workshop. Each scholar will present a paper responding to the conversation and insights elicited during the trip, and considering how those ideas might provide prospects for the study of arts in Iberian Americas. While in New York, the group will also visit archives and museums in the city. The project will cover travel expenses to Italy and New York.
Recent PhDs to junior faculty members working on early modern Italian or Latin American art are eligible to apply though preference will be
given to those who did degrees or are working in Italian and Latin American universities. Candidates should submit a statement (maximum
three pages) explaining their interest in participating; a description (maximum two pages) of a current project; a CV; two letters of
recommendation; and a writing sample.
Application materials should be sent as a single PDF, clearly labeled, to :  by March 31st, 2016.
[An abridged version of this call for application has been published on:
Please refer to the present version for detailed information].

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