CONF: The Creation of Space (Firenze, 10-11 June 2016)

The Creation of Space and the Connection between Models and Drawings as Design Tools
Istituto Universitario Olandese di Storia dell’Arte, Viale Torricelli,
5 Firenze, June 10 – 11, 2016
International conference organized by Lex Bosman (University of Amsterdam) in collaboration with the Dutch University Institute for Art History, Florence, 10-11 June 2016
Istituto Universitario Olandese di Storia dell’Arte
Viale Torricelli 5
I-50125 Firenze
Tel. +39 055 221612
This conference addresses the problem of three dimensions in architecture and the ways architects in the 16th century (and before
that time as well) solved this problem during the design process. Both drawings and three-dimensional models are well-known tools to architects, but the way in which they employed them together is not always clear. Sometimes architects limited themselves to the making of models only when they believed that these would suffice to communicate the design to others. In other instances, they used drawings and models jointly. Topics of study include examples of these practices in the work of the Sangallo, Raphael, Vasari and others.
Friday, 10 June
14.00 Michael W. Kwakkelstein Director’s welcome
14.15 Lex Bosman (University of Amsterdam) Introduction
14.30 Ann Huppert, (University of Washington, Dept. of Architecture, Seattle):
‘Baldassarre Peruzzi’s Projections’
15.15 Elizabeth Merrill (Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Berlin): ‘Combining the intrinsic and the extrinsic: Francesco di Giorgio’s model drawings’
16.00 Afternoon tea
16.30 Merlijn Hurx (Utrecht University): ‘”Not as beautiful as those made by painters…”: graphic innovations in carpenters’ drawings in the early sixteenth century in the Low Countries’
17.15 Cammy Brothers (School of Architecture, University of Virginia, Charlottesville Va.): ‘The “Modelli” of Giuliano da Sangallo’
18.00 Reception
Saturday, 11 June
9:30 Coffee/Tea
10.00 Laura Overpelt (Open University): ‘”Accommodate the Stories to the Spaces and Not the Spaces to the Stories”. Plans, Models and Drawings for Giorgio Vasari’s Decorations in the Palazzo Vecchio in Florence’
10.45 Lex Bosman (University of Amsterdam): ‘The Mellon Codex and the creation of space with drawings and models’
11.30 Coffee/Tea
12.00 Giovanni Santucci (Università di Pisa): «Come praticarono molti».
The use of Paper Architectural Models in Early Modern Italy’
12.45 Howard Burns (em. Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa): ‘Architectural drawings as design tools’
13.00 Concluding remarks

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