Interest Group Side Events, 1 June 2016

12:00-4:00 Urban Image Group

Contemplating the Past through the Present: Architecture and its Pictorial Representation

Royal Institute of Architects of Ireland (8 Merrion Square)
This event will tackle questions of representation from two ends, the architectural historical, and the photographic. The former asks how contemporary historians deal with architectural representation and how photographic representations have served as crucial instruments in historical research. The latter explores how architectural images — through the process of image making, publication, and curation/exhibition — generate historical narratives in their own right. In this workshop, we encourage participants to tackle the hermeneutics of both architectural images and historiographic texts by considering bodies of pictorial work (maps, drawings, photographs, film, video, new media) that are concerned with architecture of different and distinct con-texts and that articulate such concerns through a broad range of heterogeneous positions. The event takes the form of a round table of up to 8 ten-minute presentations of matured projects, followed by a general discussion.
Organised by Miriam Paeslack (University of Buffalo)

12:00-1:30 Gender Group

Methods and Topics Workshop

Board Room, National University of Ireland (49 Merrion Square East)
The Gender Group aims at critically exploring women’s contributions to architecture and urban planning throughout history, focusing also on gender as constructed in architectural and planning theory and practice. The main goal of the Interest Group is to open up new thematic and methodological horizons for architectural and urban-planning research, as well as to discuss a potential ‘other’ theory of design and planning. The side event takes the form of a workshop and focus on research instruments and approaches in gender research. We would especially show and discuss various forms of interview, as an innovative and highly productive instrument for gender issues. The overall aim is to outline the structure and define significant topics of the Interest Group in view of the preparation for the thematic conference in 2018. After a short presentation by the organisers, all participants are invited to bring in their own special research interests and be involved into discussion.
Organised by Katia Frey (ETH Zurich) and Eliana Perotti (ETH Zurich)

12:00-1:30 Housing Group

Reassessing Housing History: A Methodological Workshop

Phelan Room, National University of Ireland (49 Merrion Square East)
This workshop is aimed at assessing whether current practices in the field of housing history are encouraging innovative research approaches to architectural history and leading to the exploration of previously unearthed sources or the reconsideration of familiar sources and materials. About ten scholars, who work on housing history from different perspectives and on different time frames, have been invited to present their positions on the topic in five minutes. The aim of the workshop is to develop a reflection on the specific contribution that architectural history can bring to the study of domesticity and on the growing interest within the field for research practices, tools and sources that come from other areas of expertise. The event will constitute an opportunity to establish an exchange within the members of the interest group and an occasion for non-member to join the group. It is the intention of the organizers to publish the outcome of the workshop either on the interest group page of the EAHN website or as a specialist contribution to the EAHN Journal.
Organised by Gaia Caramellino (Politecnico di Milano) and Filippo De Pieri (Politecnico di Torino)

2:00-3:30 Postmodernism Group

Copy/Paste: The Role of the Reference in Postmodern Architecture

Irish Architectural Archive (45 Merrion Square)
This event centres on the theme of “Copy/Paste” questioning the role of the reference in postmodern architecture. As the inaugural event of this Interest Group, it takes the form of a debate/display. We have invited scholars, students, practitioner architects and architectural historians interested in postmodern architectural discourse and practice to participate with 10 minutes presentations developing questions such as: How can we historicise the use of architectural references in the second half of the twentieth century? How have architecture, architectural discourse, and architectural research evolved in the postmodern period through the practice of copying and pasting? What would be methodological tools to analyse these practices? And, ultimately, what would be the consequences of these practices for postmodern historiography? Presentations will be followed by a round table discussion. In addition, all selected participants will present a single poster showing their interpretation of the reference versus the copy.
Organised by Véronique Patteeuw (ENSA Lille) and Léa-Catherine Szacka (The Oslo School of Architecture and Design)

2:00-3:30 Word & Image Group

Roundtable: What Next?

Phelan Room, National University of Ireland (49 Merrion Square East)
This first side event of the Word & Image interest group will highlight the relevance of word-image studies to architectural history. By looking at the work that some members of the group have already been doing in terms of disseminating and furthering the subject within our discipline (and beyond?), it will aim at producing a draft plan of what the group should focus on during the next two years. Should we plan a conference? A publication? An online database of primary material? Or of scholars working in the field? Should we explore and strengthen interdisciplinary links to fields such as literature or the visual arts? What support do we need from the EAHN to achieve these goals? And, in turn, what can we contribute to the Network? The possibilities are endless and we are looking for input from all group members and interested conference attendees.
Organised by Anne Hultzsch (The Oslo School of Architecture and Design) and Catalina Mejia Moreno (Brighton University)

2:00-3:30 Architecture & the Environment Group

Methods and Tools Workshop

Phelan Room, National University of Ireland (49 Merrion Square East)
The workshop seeks to raise questions concerning tools and methods available to the historian who seeks to study the interrelationship of architecture and the environment. Composed of a diverse body of participants of EAHN’s interest group Architecture and the Environment, the workshop seeks to draw together methodological stakes that have been outlined in architectural and urban history, but also in adjacent fields such as landscape history or environmental history. We thus propose a format that fosters productive exchange rather than the presentation of results/research outcomes. Each group member attending is asked to to bring one object – this can be a slide, an image, drawing, archive document, book, a material etc. – and to use this object so as to raise a specific methodological question in a short, five minute presentation (no conventional paper with slides!). This conversation will be followed by informal discussion, in which major research questions are collected and debated. The emphasis is on sharing knowledge and on developing tools that may assist group members in the pursuit of their individual research projects. Moreover, the workshop may lead to more formal session proposals or symposia organized by smaller teams within the group with the aim of developing research questions further.
Organised by Sophie Hochhäusl (Boston University) and Torsten Lange (ETH Zurich)

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