We are pleased to announce that the registration is open for the ISPA-conference 2016:
The human in architecture and philosophy, Tuesday July 19th (7:00pm) to Saturday July 23 2016
Department of Philosophy, University of Bamberg
Please register via
July 19th: Richard Sennett, Cambridge University, UK (7:00 p.m.)
July 20th: Roger Scruton, Oxford, UK
Andres Lepik, TU Munich, GER
Mari Hvattum, OCCAS Oslo, NOR
July 21st: Nicholas Ray, Cambridge University, UK
Paul Guyer, Brown University, US
Laura Konjetzky, DE (musical exploration of the conference theme)
July 22nd: Angelika Krebs, University of Basel, CH
Karsten Harries, Yale University, US
+ 60 paperpresentations
July 23rd: daytrip to Vierzehnheiligen (basilica of the fourteen holy helpers by Balthasar Neumann) with K. Harries
Registration fees
Regular 3-day participation Tuesday July 19th (7:00pm) – Friday July 22nd: 150,-€
Single-day participation: 60,-€
Student 3-day participation Tuesday – Friday July 19th-22nd: 60,-€
daytrip on Saturday July 23rd to Vierzehnheiligen (Basilica of the fourteen holy helpers by Balthasar Neumann) guided by Karsten Harries: 15,-€
conference dinner: 40,-€
All participation-categories include:
entrance to the keynote-lectures and the paper-sessions
entrance to the musical exploration of the conference-theme by Laura Konjetzky on Thursday July 21st
a one-year ISPA-membership and a free copy of the ISPA-journal ArchitecturePhilosophy (= 10,-€)
coffee, drinks and snacks during the course of each (full) day
possibility to take part in a guided city-tour on Tuesday July 19th
welcome-evening on Wednesday July 20th (with free drinfood)
Travel information
Please see the information on the ISPA-website or
Organising Committee
Prof. Christian Illies
Philosopher, University of Bamberg
Dr. Martin Düchs
Architect and Philosopher, University of Bamberg
Architecture and the Power of Bureaucracy
The term "bureaucracy" refers to the organisation of people, processes, and to paperwork. Bureaucracy is often used as a synonym for inefficiency and disinterest, as the so-called "fifth form of rule by irresponsible officials who are not at risk" (Männle 2023)....