Book Proposals: Routledge Research in Architecture

Routledge Research in Architecture
We are actively looking for new book proposals for our Routledge Research in Architecture series. The series provides academic readers with the latest scholarship in the field of architecture and covers research from areas as diverse as architectural history, theory, technology, digital architecture, structures, materials, details, design, monographs of architects, interior design and much more. By making these studies available to the worldwide academic community, the series aims to promote quality architectural research. A list of current and forthcoming titles is available here For more information or to discuss a potential project, please contact

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Call for Abstracts OASE 123 Incompleteness

The OASE 123 issue edited by Sebastiaan Loosen, Hans Teerds and Tom Avermaete will examine incompleteness in architecture. For this issue, editors are looking for contributions that in various ways explore historical examples and/or contemporary practices, wherein...