CfP: Architecture and professionalism. Antwerp, 7-8 December 2017

Call for Papers: Architecture and professionalism. New approaches towards the work of Léon Stynen and his international contemporaries.
International conference, deSingel, Antwerp, 7-8 December 2017. Flanders Architecture Institute – Architectural Archives of the Province of Antwerp.

The Architectural Archives of the Province of Antwerp and the Flanders Architecture Institute are hosting an international conference as a prelude to ‘Stynen Year’ in 2018. Belgian designer Léon Stynen (1899-1990) epitomises an entire generation of post-war modernist architects whose oeuvres and profiles share many similarities. Typically, these architects were part of a strong national and international network; up-to-date and knowledgeable; prolific and varied builders (which points to great ideological flexibility); consummate professionals; able to access large-scale and visible commissions.
Scholars should submit proposals for 20-minute papers on topics relevant to the three approaches/sessions, as detailed below. Abstracts of 300 words, succinctly outlining the subject and argument, should be emailed to the following address: Submissions should arrive no later than 30 April 2017. A selection will be made by the academic committee and notification of acceptance will be given by the end of May 2017.
The full call for papers and more information on the conference are available here.

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