CONF: Inside | Outside: Trading between Art and Architecture. Ghent, 4-6 May 2017.

Conference: Inside | Outside: Trading between Art and Architecture.
Ghent,  4-6 May 2017. KASK / School of Arts.

The conference Inside | Outside will focus on specific examples or ‘cases’ of the two-way directions of transaction between art and architecture: artists adopting architectural means on the one hand, and architects adopting artistic strategies on the other. In particular, it will study both historical and contemporary examples of the transposition of means and strategies from architecture to art, and vice versa, up to the point where their status, meaning or function is dislodged and transformed.
The conference Inside | Outside wants to investigate the potential openings and possible deadlocks of such exchanges, both in terms of the means and strategies they displace and the context in which they happen—that is, inside or outside institutional spaces and venues. In this sense, the interest lies less in how means and strategies mobilize disciplines than the other way around.
Each speaker is invited to discuss a singular project that exemplifies the reciprocal trade between art and architecture. Papers will address iterations of the current phenomenon of art institutions commissioning architects to produce temporary, largely function-less pavilions and installations; the exhibition of architecture; collaborations between artists and architects; and the use of architecture as a medium or subject by artists.
Artist Sarah Oppenheimer (US) and architect John Körmeling (NL) will deliver the keynote presentations. There will also be paper presentations from academics from Europe, the United States and Australia, each focusing on concrete cases of the reciprocal trade between art and architecture.
More information on the conference and registration is available on the conference website.

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