FELLOWSHIP: the Age and the Culture of Baroque. Fondazione 1563 per l’Arte e la Cultura of the Compagnia di San Paolo

Fellowship: the Age and the Culture of Baroque.

Fondazione 1563 per l’Arte e la Cultura of the Compagnia di San Paolo launches a competition for 5 Fellowships on the Age and the Culture of Baroque.
The Study Program on the Age and the Culture of Baroque aims to promote research in this field and to provide to young scholars useful titles to access career opportunities with academic and cultural institutions. In this sense from 2013 to 2016 the Foundation launched a call for proposals to award fellowships on the Culture of Baroque for young Italian and foreign scholars 35 years old and younger.
This is the fifth edition of the competition.
The notice of the 2017 competition is available online at www.fondazione1563.it.
Applications can be submitted using the online application form only. The deadline for submission of applications is 16 July 2017, h 24.00 (midnight).
The offices of the Fondazione (ph.+39 011 440 1405, info@fondazione1563.it) are available to provide additional information and clarifications.
The full announcement can be downloaded here.

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